PPAP is used in the automotive supply chain for establishing confidence in suppliers and their production processes. Actual measurements are taken from the parts produced and are used to complete the various test sheets of PPAP.

The PPAP process is designed to demonstrate that a supplier has developed its design and production process to meet the client’s requirements, minimizing the risk of failure by effective use of APQP. Requests for part approval must, therefore, be supported in official PPAP format and with documented results when needed.

The purpose of any Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) is to:

  1. Ensure that a supplier can meet the manufacturability and quality requirements of the parts supplied to the customer
  2. Provide evidence that the customer engineering design record and specification requirements are clearly understood and fulfilled by the supplier
  3. Demonstrate that the established manufacturing process has the potential to produce the part that consistently meets all requirements during the actual production run at the quoted production rate of the manufacturing process.

PPAP is a series of documents gathered in one specific location (a binder or electronically) called the “PPAP Package”. The PPAP package is a series of documents which need a formal certification / sign-off by the supplier and approval / sign-off by the customer. The form that summarizes this package is called PSW (Part Submission Warrant). The signature in the supplier certification area of the PSW indicates that the supplier-responsible person (usually the Quality Engineer or Quality Manager) has reviewed this package and that the customer-responsible person (usually a Customer Quality Engineer or Customer Quality Manager) has not identified any issues that would prevent its approbation.

  • When is PPAP required?
  • The benefit of PPAP submission: what are the benefits involved in PPAP submission to the customer for approval?
  • Official PPAP requirements: list the whole official PPAP requirements that will have.
  • Mandatory customer’s PPAP requirements: What are the main mandatory customers PPAP requirement that we have.
  • PPAP submission levels: 1-5: meaning and its applications
  • Requirements for PPAP submission levels
  • PPAP status: Approved, Interim approval and rejected, what are the meaning and its implications.
  • Electronic PPAP submission level requirements: What are the main conditions for Electronic PPAP submission level requirements by the customer.

Clients benefits: The training module will secure the clients to have the following benefits:

  • Greater productivity
  • Smoother operations
  • Greater flexibility and responsiveness
  • Eliminates defects (in-house and at the customer side)
  • Reduce customer complaints like 8D
  • Improve product quality
  • Improve supplier quality
  • Increased customer satisfaction
  • Reduce returns of product
  • Increase customer approval process and release of a production line within timeframe schedule

Who are the benefactors of these training modules or the target groups:

  • Plant Managers
  • Quality Managers
  • Quality Engineers
  • Quality Supervisors
  • Quality Specialist
  • Logistics
  • Technology
  • Production
  • and others categories who are interested in leaning: Advanced Product Quality Planning APQP, Production Part Approval Process PPAP for production lines release, leaning or engage in Measurement System Analysis MSA studies and carry out process documentation in their production plant effectively etc

The training modules acquire from Hermon Quality Solutions HQS services will help you to get your career professionals smoothly and efficiently. Why not give it a try and see the difference.

Let’s get in touch!!!

Modules for Quality doc and Customer level 3 PPAP doc submission

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