• What is Total Quality Management TQM: Definition of the subject matter: Definition of  Total +Quality+Management =Total Quality Management TQM
  • Why is Total Quality Management necessary in an organization: what are the essentiality of Total Quality Management in practice
  • Total Quality Management TQM: An overview and eight key elements of Total Quality Management TQM we need to understand in practice etc
  • Developing Total Quality Management TQM
  • What is the role of Management (different management levels in the organization) in Total Quality Management TQM implementation
  • What are the Primary elements of Total Quality Management TQM
  • Total Quality Management TQM process ( Input=Process=Output) i.e systemic approach to Total Quality Management TQM implementation in practice
  • TQM Quality Pyramid at a glance
  • The Received Wisdom on TQM (Quality leaders and there approaches: Kaoru Ishikawa, Phil Crosby) etc
  • The introduction of Total Quality Management in an organization
  • The System approach to Total Quality Management in an organization
  • The Framework approach for the introduction Total Quality Management in an organization
  • Levels of Total Quality Management TQM: The 6 levels of Total Quality Management TQM you need to know:
  1.          The uncommitted
  2.          The drifters
  3.          The tool-pushers
  4.          The improvers
  5.          The Award winners
  6.           The World-class
  • The Sustaining Total Quality Management TQM in an organization
  • The Business context of Total Quality Management TQM in an organization. Policy deployment, A check improve scrutinize pass CRISP approach to policy deployment etc
  • Traditional Management VERSUS Total Quality Management TQM at a glance i.e what both are entailed i.e what is traditional management and what is the total quality management
  • Why many TQM principles fail in organizations and how can it be improves
  1. Why TQM Fails: The perspectives of the senior management levels i.e  lack of total ownership of TQM process, lack of employee empowerment, Lack of funds and incentives for employees involvement in TQM etc. lack of commitments i.e leadership failure of commitment etc and others failures that are attached to top management levels etc
  • How TQM principles can work out or can be improved in organizations (a strategic approach)
  • How TQM principles can be improved in organizations (Top management recommendations)
  • How TQM principles can be improved in organizations (Top management support)
  • Quality Costing in general:
  1.           Introduction.
  2.           Definition and Categorization of Quality Costs.
  3.           Collecting Quality Costs.
  4.           Some Cost Aspects of Manufacturing Industry.
  5.           Reporting Quality Costs.
  6.           Uses of Quality Costs.
  • Seven classical quality tools applicable in an organization to solve the vast majority of quality problems in practice.
  • Other quality tools applicable in an organization to solve the quality problem in practice
  • Quality technical tools applicable in an organization to solve quality problems in practice.
  • Pictoral quality tools applicable in an organization to solve the majority of quality problems in practice.

Benefits of the Total Quality Management training materials to the clients:

  • Strengthened competitive position
  • Adaptability to changing or emerging market conditions and to environmental and other government regulations
  • Higher productivity
  • Enhanced market image
  • Elimination of defects and waste
  • Reduced costs and better cost management Higher profitability
  • Improved customer focus and satisfaction
  • Increased customer loyalty and retention
  • Increased job security
  • Improved employee morale
  • Enhanced shareholder and stakeholder Value Improved and innovative processes

Other benefits: Our Total quality management TQM training module will help the clients to adopt a high-quality management system that is necessary or needed to move the organization quality system approach forward etc not only that,  it helps the clients to increase their productivity and it benefits their quality of the products they offer to customers and clients and finally increases their customer service and satisfaction.

Who needs to attend:

Managing executives- both senior, middle and lower levels (top management), Plant managers, Quality managers, Quality professionals, Quality auditors, TQM specialist, Quality control leaders, Quality inspectors, Quality supervisors, Production leaders, logistics sections, Warehouse & Storehouse section etc

The training modules acquire from Hermon Quality Solutions HQS services will help you to get your career professionals smoothly and efficiently. Why not give it a try and see the difference.

Let’s get in touch!!!

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